A note from Chick: Growing Up In Ithaca - Since 1999

PHOTO - Maxie's Supper Club & Oyster Bar, Spring 1999
Maxie’s going to be 20 next year. And mark your calendar, because believe it or not Maxie’s 20th birthday is March 5, 2019 which is also Mardi Gras – FAT TUESDAY! We could not have planned it any better! We’re going to have a party, and it’s going to be something super special and fun. Stay tuned for more.
Maxie’s has enjoyed much love from our local community and beyond for our nearly 20 years in existence. As a founder and owner since our establishment in 1999, it has truly been an honor to be of service and in support of this remarkably unique and beautiful cultural, societal and natural environment. Ithaca and Tompkins County is lovely in so many ways. It is a one-of-a-kind place populated with the some of the most compassionate, generous, creative, intelligent, and truly fascinating people to be found anywhere. Maxie’s is so fortunate to call this community home.
My favorite and most frequent compliments I receive about Maxie’s from our guests, old and new, are consistently about the quality and kindness of the people working at Maxie’s. We have been blessed with the best people. They are caring, competent, aware, hospitable and fun! We are so fortunate to continue to enjoy the company of the finest restaurant people around, helping us throw a great party for you every night. I’ve been saying this for a long time and I will say it again, Maxie’s is all about people!
After nearly two decades of renting our space at 635 W State/MLK Street, we finally bought the house Maxie’s has been living in. We’re fixing up the joint, in an effort to keep her standing proud for the next 20 years and beyond. Considerable investments have already been made in many behind the scenes improvements, and we’re committed to continuing improvements for your comfort, convenience and enjoyment.
And this week Maxie’s presents an updated menu, offering several new dishes, and new formatting allowing for much more flexibility in portion sizes and choices to get you exactly what you want at the right size and the right price. We are committed to making Maxie’s better for your continued dining pleasure. Please let us know how you like the changes, and please share any ideas on how we can serve you even better.
We are also rolling out Maxie’s snazzy new website this week, and hope you find it easier to use, and more helpful for on-line gift certificate, merchandise purchases, and catering requests. It is our goal to continue embracing technology in order to upgrade your Maxie’s experience, and we will keep you posted.
Maxie’s is also finding her voice as a modern adult. So, we are going to be actively blogging and seeking your input in discussions of all kinds. What do you want to talk about and what do you want Maxie’s to address? We appreciate input and feedback and hope to hear from you.
Growing up in Ithaca has been a great blessing for Maxie’s. We love our community, Maxie’s friends and family, who we so cherish and enjoy, and those we miss dearly who have left too soon! It has been a wonderful and fortunate two decades for Maxie’s.
Thank you for your support. We hope to see you sooner than later, and whenever you do grace Maxie’s with your presence, we’ll be ready to show you a great time!
Stay well!
Chick Evans